Paranormal 956

The Charismatic Power of David Koresh

David & Bianca Episode 52

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After navigating some personal challenges, including a family bereavement, we are back with a deeply personal episode exploring the compelling and tragic story of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. Discover the unique belief systems of this group, rooted in their Seventh-Day Adventist origins, and how these beliefs set them apart from mainstream religious practices. With a personal connection to Waco through frequent travels, I bring you firsthand insights from my visits to the infamous compound, which still harbors cult members. This episode promises to shed light on a dark chapter in history, touching on intricate themes of belief, leadership, and redemption.

We'll revisit the harrowing events of the Waco siege and its far-reaching aftermath, including the Oklahoma City bombing, through the lens of personal anecdotes and historical exploration. Delve into the charismatic sway of cult leaders like Koresh, paralleled with local figures such as Rasmus, and reflect on the bizarre political climate during the Trump and Clinton election period. A chance meeting with a woman who lived through the Waco tragedy reveals her unwavering belief in Koresh and offers unique perspectives on the past. Together, we question the rationale behind choices made during the siege, all while admitting our limited understanding of gun laws. Join us for this thought-provoking exploration of faith, leadership, and the enduring impact of a cult's tragic legacy.

La Bandera BTX in Brownsville, Texas.

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Speaker 2:

Hey today yeah, so this is a surprise episode. Bianca doesn't know I have no idea um, and actually I do want to address that we didn't release our episode on time I didn't I didn't release.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna take responsibility but if you guys go to david's page you're basically gonna see the reason he has been busy.

Speaker 2:

It's there was there was a death in my family. Yeah, and so we have dealt with that. We're back on track, or we're at least trying to. Life's been hitting us pretty hard for the last summer since summer, um but we're pushing through. We are gonna record this episode and surprise surprise, surprise we are gonna have our one year anniversary coming up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um so um, next, well, actually, so we're gonna publish this. I'm gonna publish this tonight, yeah, um, to make up, to make up for last week not being there, and, and then I'm going to publish our one year anniversary.

Speaker 1:

On the day of On Friday.

Speaker 2:

So we'll get back on track that way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it makes sense.

Speaker 2:

We're going to work a lot tonight. There's episodes.

Speaker 1:

There's episodes coming.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we're still in business. We're still alive, still kicking, hopefully. I have been doing a lot of doctor shit. Um yeah, but I'm getting better, so, um, there's that today's episode. Stop bitching. Today's episode is about david koresh and the branch davidians, while we've been away because we haven't really seen each other in person for like two weeks we hardly talk.

Speaker 1:

You just told me about the family thing. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we've been dealing with real life. Haven't talked much about the show for a little while.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But as we've been away, I realized that this is a subject that I know an enormous amount and I don't know why I never proposed it as an episode before. So David Koresh was a cult leader and the Branch Davidians were a cult in Waco, texas.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now a little kind of related, unrelated.

Speaker 2:

It's not that far of related unrelated it's not that far, but it's not that far. So you know, my family lives in fort worth, right, yeah. And so when I drive up there, waco is kind of where you kind of reach your limits of just a straight drive. So you, I often take a break in waco, and so they have a taco Cabana there, they have a bunch of stuff. So I know Waco pretty well. Right, it's the home of Baylor University, so there's some cool stuff to do in there. The Texas Ranger Museum is there, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

One of the times going up I went to the Branch Davidian compound, which is still there and still has cult members.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So let me tell you the story starting from the beginning, and then even more about what I know now, having been there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, let me ask Were you ever part of this?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This cult? Just asking, you know, because you're a jehovah's witness.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that is a different cult I'm just asking you have a thing for cults yeah, I don't mean to have a thing for cults, but I cannot argue with you, right, right, so okay, anyway, there is a religion called the Seventh-Day Adventists, okay.

Speaker 1:

Seventh-Day Adventists.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what. Yeah, so they're you know how, when people, so what do you?

Speaker 1:

call them Seventh-Dayers.

Speaker 2:

They call them something like that, seventh-day Adventists, I don't know. But so this is the whole kind of thing. So you know how religions break up and break up and break up, right, right. And so Jehovah's Witnesses originally were a different religion and they broke off and they started their own religion. That happens all over the place, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And the Seventh-day Adventists broke off a long time ago and their big hiccup. And it's in the name, the Seventh Day Adventist. When I say the Sabbath, what day do you think of when you think of the Sabbath?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, and you think that you personally think that because Spanish, Spanish, Sabado Wait wait, wait.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck is this? Am I getting profiled? What's going on? I'm just saying Spanish Sabado. Wait, wait, wait. What the fuck is this? Am I getting profiled? What's going on?

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying it makes sense to somebody who speaks Spanish like you do.

Speaker 1:

We're like in the valley, it's like nearby, right right.

Speaker 2:

But for the rest of the country, right, the Sabbath is Sunday.

Speaker 1:

Okay, right, so what's your point?

Speaker 2:

They go to church on Sunday. So okay, right, so what's your point?

Speaker 1:

they go to church on sunday. So these, this group of people, catholics too, christians too, what do you mean?

Speaker 2:

most of them, but this is the thing okay, so the seventh day adventist. Look at the seven days that god supposedly built the whole universe right okay he rested on the seventh day right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he instructed everybody to also rest on the seventh day.

Speaker 1:

Oh. Right, and so when they made laws, so that's why Chick-fil-A closes on Sunday, right? Oh, my fucking God.

Speaker 2:

No, yes. That's why, 100% yes. That is why what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

I'm only fucking 24 and I'm finding this shit out.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so that is where they got that from God.

Speaker 1:

I hate you sometimes Because why the fuck would you do that? Close chick play on Sundays, man, what the fuck is wrong with him?

Speaker 2:

So this is the thing right, this is the thing, that's another episode. For the seventh day? Adventists they think or they know, I guess that the seventh day is actually Saturday, right? When you start on Sunday, that's day one, not day seven, right?

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So for seventh day Adventists they rest, but on Saturday, right. So in their religion they're not allowed to work. They're not allowed. This is in the Bible, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I've read the Bible and the Bible says on the seventh day, you're not supposed to work.

Speaker 1:

But there's a battle between Sunday and Saturday.

Speaker 2:

Right, so seventh day Adventists.

Speaker 1:

That's fucking stupid Okay.

Speaker 2:

Seventh day Adventists, I would pick.

Speaker 1:

Saturday, for sure I mean.

Speaker 2:

But this is what seventh day Adventists say. Is that if you're following a religion that can't even get Saturday or Sunday right, why are you going to risk your eternity following them when they can't get such a simple thing right? Oh so they started their own religion starting with we rest on saturday, not all these false religions, point blank, fuck y'all right. Yeah, y'all are all false religions because you're doing god's will wrong, etc. Etc. Etc. Yeah, and so this is a fairly mainstream religion.

Speaker 1:

You know what I think. I'm going to join this cult.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that is not the cult. That is not the cult, but there is a reason I'm talking about it Okay. And there is a piece of that church, the Seventh-day Adventist, which is a mainstream church, so it's not quite Catholics and Baptists, but it's got a lot of people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Right, it's a big church Like. I know a person who goes to it, totally normal guy, right. Well, a group breaks off from them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And they call themselves the branch davidians, okay, and they build a compound in waco right, and so they have a very charismatic leader. Like you do, right, when you have a cult, his name, he goes by. I should say he goes by David Koresh right.

Speaker 1:

Surprise, surprise, it's David Montemayor.

Speaker 2:

And so the David. I don't know if you know this part, but in the Bible I don't fucking know shit. So in the Bible, jesus was an ancestor of David, king David from Israel, oh, okay, Okay, on both sides of his family. So Joseph and Mary were both ancestors of King David. So David's like super important in the lineage of Jesus, right? So David Koresh takes that as his first name, and then Koresh is kind of a weird way to spell Christ. So he's David, christ, right this?

Speaker 1:

is what he decides to do.

Speaker 2:

This is the way his little mind works right, this is what he decides to do. This is the way his little mind works, right, this guy? So he knows the Bible back and forth. He starts to convince people that he knows God's word and then that he is the second prophet, right, right, and he's the second coming of Jesus. Right, he's Jesus again, but like the second version. And so this is what he tells his followers, what his mission is here, because this is not the end of days yet. So what is Jesus doing here? He came here to sin. Yeah, he came here to sin so that he understands on judgment day, what humans went through, and is a better judge on judgment day. So he needs to sleep with all these women.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He drinks, he does all the stuff that you're not supposed to do, right, he does it, so he can judge correctly.

Speaker 1:

Right, he does it, so he can judge correctly.

Speaker 2:

Right Later Right.

Speaker 1:

So he can execute.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Makes sense. Yeah, it's not a bad gig. Yeah, in fact, if I was going to start a cult right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I don't have plans just yet.

Speaker 1:

But that's a good plan, right like, I'm sorry, I have as much sex as possible. Real recognizes real. Let's just say, right, right, that's true, that's how.

Speaker 2:

Let's just say that, yes, yes, great minds think a lot the sad thing is is I would not have thought of that. I would have tried my best to be good and then like, do bad shit with nobody knowing this guy didn't do bad shit without people knowing he was.

Speaker 2:

Like I came here to do bad you guys know, and I'm gonna do yeah, yeah, I am, and if you, guys, do it's on you guys, yeah and so he literally, he literally, in his church, was like hey, real quick, I'm gonna fuck your wife tonight yeah, and he would sleep with people's wives, because that was what he was here for, right and so it's just crazy, right? So if you back up a little bit, there was a family that lived in this place. They called Ruby Ridge and Ruby Ridge was this family had a whole bunch of guns. So they were like what do you call those survivalist people the preppers?

Speaker 1:

I have no idea.

Speaker 2:

They like they're.

Speaker 1:

Like from the Walking Dead.

Speaker 2:

Well, kind of Like they're already ready for the Walking Dead. They live in the country, they live in the mountains and they make their own food. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

So people found out somehow I don't know how, they found out that they had a whole bunch of guns.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit.

Speaker 2:

Right. So the ATF, which is the alcohol, tobacco and firearms people went to go take away their guns. Well, the guy was like no, no, I bought these guns these are my guns. So there ends up being this standoff and I don't know the whole story. We probably could do him in the state or, yeah, the atf, like they put the whole military around the house right, got it, got it and so he's. It's a man and a wife, and then they have a little boy uh-huh and so this is like a big black eye in the atf world, right?

Speaker 2:

um, they end up, I believe, killing the wife, but like it's like an accident or something, they shoot her right, and so what happens is clearly the atf was in the wrong as far as at least shooting the wife like she was just in her house and they just shot her okay right. So then these kind of people that are like the gun rights people but like way on the crazy side.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Started to get super upset about this. At the same time, the Branch Davidians are stockpiling weapons.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit.

Speaker 2:

So remember I told you that he does a Jesus a little bit different.

Speaker 1:

He's a narc.

Speaker 2:

He does the passive part different too. Okay, he does the passive part different too. Okay, so in the Bible they talk about how the government is going to turn on God's people.

Speaker 1:

Ah shit.

Speaker 2:

Well, he decides we're not going to go quietly when that happens. Right, so they start stockpiling weapons. What, right? So now fast forward a little bit. And this is in the shadow of this Ruby Ridge situation where they killed this woman, right? Right? So now fast forward a little bit. And this is in the shadow of this Ruby Ridge situation where they killed this woman, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now they come and they want to take his guns, and again he's like no, no, no, no, those are my guns, right, right. So there starts to be a protest because the military wants the guns. They're locked up in the house and these people one of which ends up doing the oklahoma city bombing is they're protesting. Let them keep their guns oh shit, right, this becomes a big, huge thing. So they have a huge farmhouse where everybody lives. They go to school, they go to church in this huge compound, right?

Speaker 2:

right and so there's like the standoff and it lasts a really long time and it's like on tv every day, like they just like updates, right they're still standing yeah, they bring tanks. I mean it's crazy. Yeah, so there's tanks and all this stuff, and so they cut off their electricity. They cut off all their stuff. They're blaring music at them. I forgot what it was. It was something silly that they were like blaring at them, like Motley Crue or something to keep them up.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who the fuck is that.

Speaker 2:

It's an old 80s band, but they were trying to keep them up 24 hours a day to make them go crazy to come out. Some people snuck out, some people left. Eventually they like try to sneak in and the branch davidian starts shooting and they kill a from the atf is that they went to go throw in like tear gas okay right. So they get the tank and they ram the house. So the cannon part, the cannon goes in my dog's barking.

Speaker 1:

The cannon goes like that the cannon goes into the house, right, right.

Speaker 2:

And then the house catches on fire. Okay, full of kids, full of women. Oh shit, a bunch of people are in this house.

Speaker 1:

But it was just and now it's on fire.

Speaker 2:

Well, they said it was. That's why I said it that way, because that part isn't 100 sure because on the atf side they were like we just put tear gas and they lit the tear gas on fire. I don't know right. And then on the branch civilian side, like I said, they're still alive they said is your phone connected, bro?

Speaker 2:

I guess so and so on the Branch Savinian side they said that they set the fire right. So to be honest with you, both could be true. I don't know. I wasn't there. I mean I did watch it because I was in college.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we do believe the government, sometimes we don't.

Speaker 2:

But long story short, the house did catch on fire, yeah Right, and people were dying, and so they had this, uh, like a school bus, okay, buried in the ground for what? So it was their escape hatch, right. So they had it to where, like there was a tunnel underground where they could get into the bus and then come out. Like it was like a tunnel, the, the bus was used like a tunnel.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So the ground won't collapse.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So they put all the little kids in the tank, I mean in the bus, like to get out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

To get out Right. So it's full of little kids and right before they get out they run over everything with tanks. Oh To crush them inside of there Shit. And so they don't get out and they all die, Right Right. So David Koresh ends up having somebody shoot him in the head, so he dies too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This place is on fire for like days, right, and so this ends up being another black guy. This is during I don't know if you remember hillary clinton, right, this was during bill clinton, when he was president. What? Yeah, so pretty far back, right?

Speaker 2:

I wasn't even born yet yeah, right, and I was in college, but not when we were in college together when I dropped. I don't even know if it was the first time, it might have been the second time. Anyway, so I watched it on TV during my lunch. But long story short right. This is another black guy in ATF, right. Added to that, Like I said, the guy who was there I'm trying to think of what his name was ends up doing the Oklahoma City bombing, which was the ATF's headquarters.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he killed like 100 and something. People blew up the whole side of the building including those employees' employees daycare, which they had their own daycare for their own kids. He killed all their kids and everything.

Speaker 2:

It was terrible. Um um. Timothy mcveigh was the name of the guy. He was there at the waco protesting in favor of the branch davidians. So fast forward to recently. This is before we started the podcast. But I end up in waco and I don't want to drive anymore and I kind of seen enough taco cabana to last me right and so I'm like let's go see what this place looks like, right? So I drive out there expecting to see like a field with a monument or something.

Speaker 1:

Or just a field.

Speaker 2:

Or a field. They're still there. The cult is still there. So I drive up. I'm a friendly guy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm a friendly guy.

Speaker 1:

Even though people don't see you as friendly.

Speaker 2:

but you're a friendly guy, it's true, they don't see me like that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I get the cops called on me a lot. Long story short. But so I go in and they have a new church because they burned everything down. Right, they have a new church and I walk in and they're trying to get their Seventh Day Adventist kind of credibility back. Okay day adventist kind of credibility back, okay, and so they have pictures of the kind of like the pope, of the seventh day adventist right okay, because there's been several, just like cactics have had several leaders right like.

Speaker 1:

But how do they change them like after they die?

Speaker 2:

I think so? I think because they're. They go way back right, okay, and there, and there are several pictures. Well, they count David Koresh in there. Okay, as one of their leaders.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They don't call him David Koresh anymore. They call him by his real name, which I don't remember right off the bat, but they say that his leadership was a test from God.

Speaker 1:

God damn it.

Speaker 2:

And that they failed at that time and that they're working their way back to redemption because he was a false prophet leader that they fell for.

Speaker 1:

Basically they barely found out yeah, yeah, the hard way yeah, yeah so they have everybody buried there. So who picks the next leader? Like who stands up to it, like, yeah, you're next.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I don't know how that happens. I know in David Koresh's situation.

Speaker 1:

Do they do like a raffle thingy, or do they paper rock scissors?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not sure. I know that when David Koresh became the leader he kind of forced his way in Because he had like before he was the leader.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but that's the thing, what made him win the spot.

Speaker 2:

So in his case, yeah, imagine I'm just curious.

Speaker 1:

you know like what type of leadership he had.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so they had a leader right, obviously when he was in that church.

Speaker 1:

He was starting, right he was a regular person.

Speaker 2:

Well, he started to preach kind of on the side and get a few people behind him. And that started to grow His crew, and then they eventually kicked the other guy out, and now he's in charge.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so, like I said, he was like a very charismatic. So he was yeah, he would go into town. Everybody knew him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like he was a friendly. I'm trying to think I guess he would be like a Rasmus, like everybody knows who Rasmus is, right, yeah, I mean love him or hate him, everybody knows who he is. Yeah, you know who he is, and so it was Car scooter.

Speaker 1:

They know who the fuck it is.

Speaker 2:

He had, he had he had that kind of a personality, everybody just knew he was accessible, et cetera. Not to say that Erasmus was a cult leader or anything.

Speaker 1:

I would never say that. It's just an example to get a visual.

Speaker 2:

As a popular person in our area and so what would describe David Right? Right, yes, and so so. So he kind of forced his way in, right. So they have an area like a memorial and they have all the people who died that at that scene, I guess, uh, names on bricks. Okay, and in order to prevent people from like worshiping david koresh, they put his original name, not his. They don't put david koresh, they put his real name, which I don't remember what it was anyways this is the fucked up part.

Speaker 2:

There's a few fucked up parties coming right. Number one when I went, it was was when Trump and Hillary were going.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like who's going to be president, right when Trump eventually won. When I went, they hated Hillary and I don't know if it's because her husband was president when all of this happened Probably Maybe.

Speaker 1:

I don't know More than likely. Yeah, Knowing the history.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, probably, maybe I don't know. Likely, yeah, but knowing the history, yeah, they had the craziest leadership or or not leadership literature about her and how she eats babies and like just crazy shit like tiktok stories yeah, yeah, but like in real life, right yeah, yeah and so I'm there and I'm talking to the lady and she is crazy, right, and I'm not talking about the Hillary stuff, she's just crazy in general.

Speaker 2:

Like she's talking about David Koresh and how he was a test and how we're better now, but there's people, I think, that are in jail and that they need to be freed. Like it's weird, right, and the church is real weird, like it's like from I was going to say Little House on the Prairie, but I don't think you know what that is. No, it's like an old barn, okay, and it's like this is where you have your church. Like I'm used to like Catholic churches with golden diamonds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is like a barn AC.

Speaker 2:

Right, and this is like a barn, ac Right, and this is like did you build this by yourself, lady? You know like it's not a fancy place and she's like she's going off about.

Speaker 1:

How proud she is.

Speaker 2:

Well, about the fire and the killing and all this stuff and how unfair it is and all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

But she was there when it happened.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she was there, Like she was there, and she's still mad about all this stuff. And then she says that's why we left the school bus with all the people inside of it, what? So that you can go see, and that the world is gonna see, and that it's still there and that they did this to us, and so where the whole compound was, it's just flat. Yeah, like it burned, everything burned.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And they put this little church and then they have these stacks of bricks where the monument is in the front, but then when you go out there it looks like they buried a pool, you know like filled it in with dirt. And the bus is still there, like they're leaving it as it in with dirt and the bus is still there Like they're leaving it as it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they never took the bodies out.

Speaker 2:

She said they didn't what the fuck. But she says it in a way so you guys can learn. So you can see what you did, I didn't do shit lady.

Speaker 1:

Like I was a little kid. Y'all could just give it up Like, yeah, yeah, turn in the guns, that's it. This is the thing. You know what? That was a test on you, bitch.

Speaker 2:

Right, this is the thing, and I mean, this is what I don't get. And maybe I'm naive in this, I don't know, but if you have a bunch of guns like I have, there are certain things that I have a lot of right. Yeah, but that's fucked up, but this is what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

We're agreeing that it's fucked up, right yeah yeah, for sure, but this is where I'm at Like, let's say like, I have a Lego collection. Right, I have a Lego collection, an extensive Lego collection. The government came and they said you know what? You have way too many Legos. We're going to take these Legos from you, right? I'd be like you know what? Fuck y'all, I'm going to buy them more when you're done, when y'all leave, I'm buying more.

Speaker 1:

Right, I got a group of friends that can buy me more.

Speaker 2:

They can keep them on the side, or and so I don't understand, like I'm not sentimental enough to fight for things, and I feel like if I had a gun and you wanted my gun, like the government came and said, hey, we don't do that gun anymore, you can't have that gun, the barrel's too long, take it, I'll get another fucking gun, you know?

Speaker 1:

like that's how I mean there was a bunch of people like not all the guns weren't under his name, wasn't?

Speaker 2:

it. Oh yeah, I mean, I don't know, I think they, I don't know, this is the thing we don't know gun laws guys with this story.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make sense with this story.

Speaker 2:

There is a lot that doesn't make sense and it feels like the government was not completely honest also but they do say, like some of these guns were illegal, they were stolen, they were all kind. They have all these stories to justify why they were there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that part I kind of understand, because if the dude was doing the sins, what?

Speaker 2:

if one of them was killing or you know something, I mean it's not out of the question. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

He had to do something like that At least to prove his authority as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean he could have. I don't think he was there yet, but I mean it's not out of the question.

Speaker 1:

Right, I mean he ordered someone to shot him. Like to shoot him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that was actually. People looked down at him at that, like all your other people burned and you didn't want to burn, so you took the easy way out. Blah, blah, blah. I don't know. Dying is dying, I guess, but I don't know. And they were also like he couldn't kill himself. He had to have one of his people kill him. Yeah, it's a lot of judgment on him and I guess. But who killed him? It was like his right hand man. He had a.

Speaker 1:

He had like but he died too I don't remember if we need to get his version of the story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's probably there, he was probably there when I was there. Uh, because it is a weird place and it's not exactly in town, like it's out of town, um, but it is a very interesting group of people and it is a very weird story. So before we sign off, we do have an update. We did an episode a while back about the space cult in wesleyco yeah well, they had a fire recently.

Speaker 1:

We keep, we keep forgetting mechanic because they wouldn't pay it with any I don't know why there was a fire, but this is what I heard did you hear about this? Yeah, yeah, you showed me the post where it was caught on fire, but it didn't say like what happened, or so this is all I know, right, I know that there was a fire.

Speaker 2:

There's a few buildings on that piece of land premises yeah and one of them caught on fire, but they are so private they wouldn't let the fire department get in what the? Fuck, they wouldn't let them get in.

Speaker 1:

So what? They just threw water from the outside they threw it over the fence man I would have let them burn.

Speaker 2:

I'm like bitch if you don't tell me what's going on, I'm not gonna fucking help you that is an update that I've been meaning to do for a little while, because that happened a while back that's fucking weird so that's the thing with cults. They're weird, like that's kind of built in so um hopefully nobody got hurt, right. But right, and that's the thing is that we don't even know who's there anymore.

Speaker 1:

Right, we know this lady we know this lady's selling honey there yeah, somebody's there.

Speaker 2:

Somebody started the fire, but their leader hasn't been seen in a very long time that's so I don't know that would. Maybe they didn't want anybody in because his dead body is there, or something Shit. I mean, I'm speculating.

Speaker 1:

Allegedly I don't know anything. We're just talking shit, guys.

Speaker 2:

We're talking, we're thinking out loud.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that's what we're here for.

Speaker 1:

I'm not halfway for Loco, but yeah, kind of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, that was not the plan, by the way, but stay tuned, we're going to be recording our anniversary episode. We made it a year.

Speaker 1:

We're still growing.

Speaker 2:

We're still growing. We're figuring some stuff out. Yeah, hopefully we can build a community here of like-minded individuals and people.

Speaker 1:

Because, remember guys, great minds think alike. Yeah, hopefully we can build a community here of like-minded individuals and get, and people, because, remember guys, great minds think alike. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's it for today. Thank you for listening, as always, and we will see you all soon.

Speaker 1:

Bye guys.

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